| 1. | Foreign investment laws and the wto rules have close relation 外资法与wto规则关系密切。 |
| 2. | The study and revelation of the foreign investment law in the philippines 菲律宾外国投资法律制度研究及启示 |
| 3. | Part one briefly analyses the challenges facing our country " s foreign investment law 第一部分简要分析了目前我国外商投资法面临的挑战。 |
| 4. | This article shows that foreign investment laws shall still prevail company law 此条规定再次明示了外商投资企业的法律仍然优先于公司法。 |
| 5. | The inflence of perfecting chinese foreign investment law resulting from the elasticity clause in the trims 协议弹性条款对我国外资法重构的影响 |
| 6. | Part two makes speacial enquiry into the train of thought and key questions of perfecting foreign investment law 第二部分专门探讨了完善外资投资法的总体思路和重点问题。 |
| 7. | She also studied at the national university of singapore focusing on commercial and business law issues in asia , including foreign investment law , chinese commercial law and shipping law 另外,她还曾在新加坡国立大学学习,研究亚洲的商法,包括外商投资法中国商法和运输法。 |
| 8. | The conference agenda includes the investment climate in timor - leste tradeinvest promotional activities information on foreign investment law and the main investment opportunities in the country 会议日程包括东帝汶的“投资环境” , tradeinvest的促销活动外国投资法律信息以及东帝汶的主要投资机遇。 |
| 9. | On research scope , the essay mainly sets forth the background of formation , mechanism of formation , structure , norms , values , functions of trims and trims " effect on our country ' s foreign investment law 在研究范围方面,本文主要论述了《与贸易有关的投资措施协定》的产生背景、形成机制、结构、规范、价值、功能和对我国外资法的影响。 |